
Sunday, October 28, 2007

help! I'm attacked by flies!

The weather in Melbourne is crazy! It was still quite cold a few days ago and what a drastic change during the weekend!! It is so hot now with flies everywhere. I think I must have did something wrong because they were all landing on me and swarming around me today!! I can't take it!!

I have finally met the flies of Melbourne...

At the beginning of the year when I just arrived, there wasn't any flies around I think. or at least there wasn't as many! my gosh! well hope they find another unsuspecting target tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Section 377A

I only just came across the news today about the petition to repeal section 377a of the penal code, when I was looking thru my emails.

This section 377a criminalises sex between men and there have been violent objections and another petition was started to keep this section of the code. Go to www.keep377a.com. I was late in putting my name up on the petition but updates are still posted on that site.

I think that Singapore should keep this code because of the strong family values that we hold dear to our hearts. If this section is repealed, the society would be moving towards a whole new direction which is more individualistic and less community-based. Children would also be exposed at a younger age to information that they can't handle and that is not something that I want to see around Singapore. Gays are not born, they are made and this has direct link to the media and telling young impressionable people that it is an acceptable alternative lifestyle.

Hopefully the government will be wise and seriously evaluate this and keep our future in mind. How has Singapore been able to prosper? Because of our values, relationships and hard work! Repealing this section would just seek to fuel and drive the sex-crazed society of our time and create this sense of self-gratification (ie one night stands) and decrease the meaning of relationships.

May we keep this in our prayers!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I was walking home from dinner today, when I saw my coursemate walking home too. So I said hi and smiled to her, and she came over to hug me! I hugged her back of course. I was really shocked! But I guess its in their culture. Its the first time I met a caucasian friend on the street. I guess she does it to everyone but I'm not really used to it!! Haa...

Sunday, October 14, 2007


The bible stands for: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Haa, quite true.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Q: Are zebras black with white stripes or white with black stripes?

A: Zebras are neither black with white stripes nor white with black stripes.
They are black with black and white stripes!

If you shave a zebra, you will discover that it has black skin. But the patterns on it are made up of both black and white fur!!

hee, interesting fact i discovered while watching tv!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I will never get sick of the phantom of the opera! It is just too good! The music is really powerful and touches me. It is the kind of music that I relate to - romantic/melancholic ballads. Plus it really goes well with the story and the pieces relate to one another with the same themes. It is a really good show that I can keep watching! I'm really into "think of me" right now. But one thing is the music does affect me emotionally, it brings me into another world and can make me melancholic too. That's why it's a good musical!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

my afternoon snack

For my afternoon snack, I'm having juicy oysters from vic mart and a salad i whipped up containing rocket, celery, avocado, dried fruit and nut with honey and olive oil. The salad was just randomly thought of and it is actually quite alright! haa. I think the key to a good salad is its dressing, but I am no expert in it and I have no idea how to make them! Even if I knew how I think I would think its quite troublesome, maybe because its only for myself. Btw, I don't always have afternoon snack. I just had a bite for lunch. For dinner, I will be making my pumpkin and rocket risotto! It is really nice! Was just telling si'er about it and she wanted to try it 'cause she missed out the other time, so now we are having a potluck with me making my risotto. But I don't mind, I love cooking for people!!

Anyway I was chatting with my junior and we were asking each other how school is. He said that school was ok, nothing exciting. So I decided to say mine consists of lots of touching which I thought is better den "nothing exciting". And i think he was stunned for a moment and asked me what i meant. I had to clarify that we had to feel muscles and bones. hehe. but I dun really like to touch people 'cause I have really cold hands and its embarassing!!

Think I'm finishing my oysters! That would be like 8!! Ok gtg and cook!

father of all musicals!

I'm crazy about the phantom of the opera! I'm currently watching the movie. Can't get enough of it after watching the musical, so now watching the movie! I really love love love the music! Ha I didn't think I would be so crazy about it. Used to think it was just another musical and all hype. But I'm really a big fan now! I'm really glad I got to see it!

There is another musical that I now really want to watch too; Les Miserables here I come!

Friday, October 5, 2007

it has been a long time

It has been a long time since i last updated my blog!! Hehe, i guess i'm really not a web fanatic with all the blogging, fb, friendster and stuff. But thank you all the loyal supporters of my blog for monitoring it for updates! hehe. i think i'm just plain lazy!

Actually i had created a post last thursday before my driving test, but when i wanted to publish it, it couldn't get into the system. So, i just couldn't be bothered typing it all over again! tsk tsk, technology... Either that, or i'm giving myself excuses...

So much has happened! I passed my driving test, my break is over (which included celebrating mid-autumn festival and going to the grampians with my cell), i graduated from alpha and my exams are in a months time! It's getting closer to going back to singapore!

Tried a new dish the other day, frittata!! From the recipe book eunice gave me.
I can't believe it, my attempts at uploading the pictures of my frittata failed!! the connection here sucks. I'm so sorry, I didn't manage to make you guys salivate!!