
Thursday, March 29, 2007


Hi everyone! Hi Eunice, Dad, Mom, Andrew, Grace, my CG (Faith) and all my friends in Singapore; I miss you guys!
My unreliable internet is finally up and there have been lots happening here! Firstly, the practical that we were all looking forward to came yesterday. We got to observe our partner's posture which required the person being observed to take off their clothes. Everyone was in the same room so you can pretty much look at others if you look around. There's this group of australians who were pretty open and they seemed to be having a lot of fun during the prac. I think they were still in their undies even after they have finished observing and were kinda fooling around (not in that kinda way). The rest of us pretty much just took off our clothes when we needed to and put them back on straight after. I realised that I'm ok with people touching me but I get kinda squirmish about touching other people. Haha. I guess I have to get used to that!
Hmm, there is still something wrong with uploading pictures on blogspot. The photos that I upload end up with the red "x" in them.
Ok, I gotta go collect my blood test result for TB from school now! They actually subjected me to 2 skin tests and still drew my blood! My skin tests failed because I took the BCG before and I think the vaccine actually reacted with the skin test.


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