
Saturday, June 28, 2008


Waa! It has been a little over 2 months since I gave this blog any attention! It has been neglected! I feel so so bad...

Well I am currently having my holidays and I'm really bored so I decided to share this funny thing I saw on the train the other day. Some background info first: on some trains in Victoria, the doors don't open unless you press this button to make them open, 'cause I guess it saves electricity and keeps the cold air outside (it is winter now). Ok so there was this guy who started pressing the button even before the train even stopped and of course the button won't work because it is "locked". He was like pressing it non-stop and it was making this clicking sound which was annoying. What I found annoying was how come people like to do inefficient things? He could have waited for the train to stop and for the doors to unlock and you only have to press the button once and the doors open. He was pressing it like a madman! Then there was this girl sitting next to the door and you should have seen her expression!! She was giving him the evil eye! haa it was so funny!